Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) Organized a new motivation for Migrants Workers in Hong Kong

Get up, get down, there’s a women’s movement in this town!
Get up, get down, there’s a migrant’s movement in this town!

So excited to chant, shout, and dance together feminists! All of you should of gotten emails about logistics and the Whova app! Check out the agenda and mark which ones you are attending. Maybe this workshop?

Global Compact on Migration: Opportunities to Advance Migrants’ Rights and Beyond
Organized by Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM), International Migrants Alliance – IMA & APWLD – Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Boardroom 3, 1st Floor, Convention Centre

The Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration is the first ever intergovernmental negotiated agreement that will address migration, comprehensively. International migration will be guided by global governance with a set of agreed principles and framework. At the New York summit, Member States have agreed to the process that will lead to the adoption of the Global Compact in September 2018.

This workshop builds capacity of the organisations interested to utilise the Global Compact on migration process to advance migrants’ rights and beyond. Participants contribute their issues to the analysis and demands, which is to be submitted to the Global Compact regional process. The participating organisations can also be a part of future engagement to strengthen the grassroots migrants movements. (APMM Ended0

We believe that modern times, are also looking for innovative styles of activists. because the man is also tired of the old style of struggle. not boring, looking for new activists who are enough for their taste. and there are many ways you can tell people what you are struggling with, they are easier to understand, and the message is clear to them. You do not have to deepen those that mean they might not get it.”

-migrantsnewsonline Hong kong

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