‘Freedom Film Fest” (FFF) Screened of ‘Sunday Beauty Queen’ with Tenaganita


September 3,2017- Kuala Lumpur – Earlier today Freedom FilmFest and Tenaganita opened the screened of multi-award winning Sunday Beauty Queen by filmmaker Baby Ruth Villarama.

Film maker Baby Ruth Villarama

It has been awarded *** Best Picture, Best Editing, Children’s Choice and the Gatpuno Antonio J. Villegas Cultural Award at the 2017 Metro Manila Film festival
*** Best Documentary – Gawad Urian Awards

Synopsis of the Film:
Beneath Hong Kong’s glittering facade, Filipina domestic workers work in relative anonymity and for near slave wages. In a beauty pageant like no other in the world, five helpers give themselves makeovers for a day and gleefully reclaim their dignity.
“An engaging film on Filipina overseas workers’ self-empowerment” – VARIETY
“A real-life Cinderella that shatters stereotypes” – REUTERS

Register to attend: https://freedomfilm.my/fff2017-program…/sunday-beauty-queen/


#migrantsnewsonline malaysia

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